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"Citizen Dialogue - Sprechen und Zuhören"  December 2024
We had the honor of filming a citizen dialogue again:
"Sprechen und Zuhören" ("Speaking and Listening") from Mehr Demokratie e.V.

It took place in local communities in Brandenburg.


"Bürger.Macht - Mehr direkte Demokratie?"  September 2024
As part of the event serie "Political Participation and Social Cohesion", Mehr Demokratie e.V. invites to screenings followed by a discussion: 
13/October/2024 at 19:00 pm/Haus des Gastes in Lippoldsberg
19/October/2024 at 19 pm/Bahnhof in Fürstenwald 


"Bürger.Macht - Mehr direkte Demokratie?" April 2024
New screening date: Our documentary will be re-aired on:
21/April/2024 at 23:50 pm on MDR 
More Info


"Citizen's Assembly: Ernährung im Wandel" January 2024
In our film clip we give a brief review of the first citizen´s assembly on nutrition,
conducted by the German Bundestag:

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"El meu primer Festival" November 2023
3,2,1...There it comes again: The Kids Filmfestival in Barcelona, which we are highly recommending! 



"Citizen's Assembly: Ernährung im Wandel" November 2023
Finally the German Government  decided to carry out the first official citizen's assembly. In our short clip for the German Bundestag we are showing a small impression of it: Bürgerrat Ernährung  


"ZwischenWelten"  January 2022
Happy to share that we are about to start the development
of our new documentary "ZwischenWelten".

A way to school
Across a border
And the battle against suspicion in both worlds.


"SPUR - the painters of the future!"
Finally there is a new screening date for our SPUR Film in Munich:
On 24/May/2022 at 7.00 PM in
"Akademie der Schönen Künste München".


Mecal - 24th Barcelona International Short Film Festival!
Lots of great documentaries laying ahead of us: Sandra will be part of the documentary jury of this 
year´s "Mecal international short and animation Film Festival" in Barcelona. 

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"HELMUT STURM - 90 years"
Again: SPUR stays alive and goes local! 
The film will be screened on 28/April/2022 at a retrospective for the painter 
"Helmut Sturm - 90 years" in his city of birth, Furth (Bavaria)

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Safe the date!
Our documentary „Power to the people (Bürger.Macht)“ is part of the “Climate Week” in Hamburg (Hamburger Klimawoche) and will be screened at Studio Kino Hamburg on 21/September/2021 at 7.30 PM.

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Happy to announce our documentray film „SPUR – the painters of the future!“ will be screened as part of the „HELMUT STURM EXHIBITION“ at the Art Museum Ravensburg from September 4th to November 1st, 2021. 

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Citizens´Assembly: "Germany´s Role in the World"
On behalf of Mehr Demokratie e.V., we present a brief insight into the second nationwide Citizens´Assembly on the subject of "Germany´s Role in the World",
in form of a short Teaser: Vimeo 
Directed and produced by Crossendfilm in collaboration with Image Laundry s.l.

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SPUR: Video on demand

Our documentary "SPUR - The painters of the future" (directed by Sabine Zimmer)

is now available as VOD! Please go to:



Press Review "Bürger.Macht - Mehr direkte Demokratie?"
Happy to share a german podcast about our documentary  "Bürger.Macht"
with the conclusion: "Highly recommended..." -  Sounds good to us:)


Now online!
Our documentary "Bürger.Macht - Mehr direkte Demokratie?"
(Power to the People) is already online on ARD Mediathek. 

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Our documentary film "Bürger.Macht - Mehr direkte Demokratie?"
(Power to the People) will be broadcasted on 
25/October/2020/ 22.50 pm on MDR


"Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat" 

We had the chance to visit the French "Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat".

Watch the Clips here: German Version   English Version

After the 140 recommendations were handed over by the citizens to

President E. Macron, he announced that he will realize most of them.

For further information on the "Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat" and their recommendations: read more

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SPUR - New screening dates in Munich!

04.03.2020, 7pm at Museum Lothar Fischer, Kapuzinerstr. 5, Neumarkt

24.03.2020 at Akademie der Schönen Künste München

        - - - - - - - - - Due to Coronavirus the event will be postponed - - - - - - - - -  

Have a look at the latest press review

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Bürger Macht!


The shooting for our documentary "Bürger Macht" ("Power to the people") is successfully ongoing!

We were exited to be part of the "Bürgerrat Demokratie 2019"!

Here some impressions and voices from the citizens: Clip1 I Clip 2 


SPUR DVD release

Happy to announce the DVD release of "SPUR - The painters of the future"

(directed by S.Zimmer) in January 2020 by absolut MEDIEN (stream) 

or absolut MEDIEN (buy)


SPUR stays alive and goes local!


On October 10th & 11th 2019, Sabine Zimmer presented her documentary "SPUR - The painters of the future" in front of an large audience at the Cine-World Cham as the opening film for the "arthouse film section".

Read the local press review here or watch the trailer!


Mighty Young Chefs


The project “Mighty Young Chefs” (documentary series in development), directed by Sandra Budesheim (production company: Noon Films s.l)

is selected to be presented at the speady pitch forum at

“Medimed Filmmarket 2019”.

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SPUR - The painters of the future!


"SPUR - The painters of the future!“ is selected for the 

"International Filmfest Emden-Norderney 2019" and will be screened:

Sunday,  16.06.2019, 11:00am, Cine Star4, Emden

Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 18:45pm, CineStar4, Emden  

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SPUR - The painters of the future!

(German title: Gruppe SPUR – Die Maler der Zukunft)


The documentary "SPUR - The painters of the future!“, directed by S.Zimmer,

is ready for its premiere: 

13.05.2019, 20.00 at 34.DOK.fest München (DOK.special) 

in collaboration with Lenbachhaus Munich! 

Further screening dates are:

Monday, 13.05.2019, 20.00, Lenbachhaus

Wednesday, 15.05.2019, 16.00, Lenbachhaus

Thursday, 16.05.2019, 16.00, Lenbachhaus

Friday, 17.05.2019, 17.00, Lenbachhaus  

Watch the Trailer:

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A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)


"A walk on the tightrope“ is selected for the international

"Global Migration Film Festival 2018" and will be screened in:

Egypt (30.11.2018), Turkey (12.,15.12.2018),

Bulgaria (30.11., 7./11./14.12.2018), Portugal (10.12.2018),

Netherlands (18.12.2018), Argentina, Peru, Rwanda, Indonesi (TBC).  

For detailed location and screening times, please contact us!


Gruppe SPUR - Die Maler der Zukunft


Happy to announce that the documentary

"Gruppe Spur - Die Maler der Zukunft", directed by Sabine Zimmer,

is in post production and will start the festival season soon!


Mighty Young Chefs (A.T.)


First research material is shot for the German-Peruvian documentary

“Mighty Young Chefs“, directed by Sandra Budesheim.

Funded by EZEF.



Power to the People (A.T.)

(German title: Bürger an die Macht - Die Mitbestimmungslotterie)


Our documentary "Power to the People" (A.T.),

directed by S.Budesheim & S.Zimmer, got a development funding from BKM.


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A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)


is selected for the competition at the

“Al Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival“ in Sarajevo.


Please find detailed screening dates on the official Festival Website:

Auf dünnem Eis - Die Asylentscheider


New TV Screening dates

of our documentary at channel "phoenix":

7/October/2017 at 22:30 pm

13/October/2017 at 03:00 am

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)


Happy to announce that our documentary

has been nominated to compete


in the PRIX EUROPA 2017 TV Iris Category!

Die Asylentscheider


New TV Screening dates

for the short version of our documentary at channel "ORF 2":

20/September/2017 at 11:05 pm

21/September/2017 at 02:40 am

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)


German press about our documentary „Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider“

Radio Interview „Deutschlandfunk KULTUR“, 13/ June/ 2017

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 13/ June/ 2017

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)


TV release for our documentary  at ZDF/Kleines Fernsehspiel

19/ June/ 2017 at  00.05 pm, ZDF

watch the Trailer 

Die Asylentscheider

TV release for the short version of our documentary „Die Asylentscheider“

at channel ARTE:

14 / June/ 2017 at 9.15pm, arte

Watch the film online until 18/ June/ 2017 here

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)

is nominated for the DGB Filmprize at Emden International Filmfestival

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)

is travelling to the international Filmfest Emden


Screening dates:

8 / June / 2017 at 9.30 pm,  vhs Forum/Emden
9 / June / 2017  at 7.15 pm, Conversationshaus/Norderney
10 / June / 2017 at 4.30 pm, Cinestar 6/Emden


8 / June / 2017 at midnight,  Grand Cafe: The midnight talk

9/ June/ 2017 at 2.30 pm,  vhs Forum/Emden: DGB Talk

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis - Die Asylentscheider)

will make it’s premiere at DOK.fest Munich 2017 and continues it’s festival journey. Here the next screening dates:

DOK.fest Munich: German Competition

4 / May / 2017 at 7.30 pm, Atelier

5 / May / 2017 at 7.00 pm, Katholische Akademie Bayern

10 / May / 2017 at 5.00 pm at HFF

11 / May / 2017 at  9.00 pm at City

Filmkunstfest MV in Schwerin: German Competition

5 / May / 2017 at 7.30 pm

6 / May / 2017 at 11.15 am

International Filmfest Emden Norderney

Concrete Screening dates will be updated.

A walk on the tightrope

(German title: Auf dünnem Eis – Die Asylentscheider)

We are happy to anounce that our feature lenght documentary „A walk on the tightrope.“ (former „Room203“) produced by the Berlin based production company Hanfgarn & Ufer Filmproduktion for ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel and ARTE is finally completed and will soon be screened. Detailed screening dates will follow. In “A walk on the tightrope” we tell the story of three employees of the German Federal Office for Refugees, who have to decide every single day based on a onetime interview about the lives and destinies of asylum seeking refugees in Germany.

The refugees and their mobile

(directed by Sabine Zimmer)

02.04.2016, RBB -  Himmel & Erde, Writer & Director: Sabine Zimmer, 7 min.

Ahmad Al Mjawer and his younger brother Mohammed came to Germany in September 2015. Originally they come from Damascus, but they had to flee to Europe due to the war in Syria. On their difficult escape the mobile phones helped them to survive and turned out to be their most needed tools.

Access to Justice - In The Gray Zone of Diplomacy


The festival version will be screened:

Document Film Festival Glasgow
from 09/Oct. - 12/Oct./2014

Amnesty International Leipzig
08/July/2014 at 7:00 pm in Leipzig

Brazilian International Labour Film Festival, São Paulo
28/May/2014 at 5:00 pm - The film won the main Festival Prize "Luis Espinal Prize" at BILFF 2014

"Missbraucht und Misshandelt - mitten in Deutschland. Die Opfer der Diplomaten"


at channel "einsfestival":
21/May/2014 at 5.00 pm
22/May/2014 at 6:15 am, 9:45 am
24/May/2014 at 9:15 am



Missbraucht und Misshandelt - mitten in Deutschland. Die Opfer der Diplomaten 

New TV screening dates for our documentary

at channel "Phoenix": 

02/Apr/2014 at 9.00 pm

03/Apr/2014 at 1:30 am, 8:15 am, 07:15 pm

Access to justice

Our new documentary film " Access to justice/Schatten der Diplomatie" was produced by the German public television station WDR and the Werwiewas Medienproduktion Berlin.It was aired under the titel "Missbraucht und misshandelt - mitten in Deutschland. Die Opfer der Diplomaten":

ARD, Monitor: 05/Dec/2013 at 21:45

ARD - digital, Tagesschau 24: 20/Nov/2013 at 20:15

WDR, CosmoTV: 03/Nov/2013 at 16:00WDR

Menschen hautnah: 31/Oct/2013 at 22:30

100.000 Miles
(directed by Sandra Budesheim)

The documentary 100.000 Miles is released on DVD and Blue-ray Disc in 2D and 3D.
Watch the offical "Trike Globetrotter" trailer

​​​Bio nach Ninh Binh
(directed by Sabine Zimmer)

The film tells the story of a German lawyer from Nürnberg, who has decided to leave for Vietnam. Together with her Vietnamese partner she wants to open a crematorium with German environmental technology. An 'organic' crematorium, so to speak, and they also want to establish a vocational school in their new 'home'. 'Organic according to Ninh Binh' will be a film trip to Vietnam, which will bring us an exciting and largely unknown land closer.

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